Thursday, May 31, 2007

Holy Crap, it's June!

I don't want to go into all my personal business that I've had going on, but this has been a... very special week, and not in the good way. It amazes me that it's June already, and I only have 3 more weekends in the states, including this weekend. Next week is my last full week of school, and then I just have finals. I'm just trying to push through at this point, and the reality of my trip still hasn't fully hit me. I'm sure that when I finally get my plane tickets in my hand, it will all start to really hit me.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I'm going to London!

In just over a month, I'm going to be studying abroad in London. It's through my JC, and I'm certainly the oldest person going, but I'm so excited I could explode. I'm setting up this blog so I can keep a log of what I've been doing. I'll be posting my pictures to my flickr page, but this will let me be a bit more verbose about my (mis?)adventures. I'm leaving on June 23rd and I'll be back July 24th or 25th. Only 1 month and 10 days until I leave!