Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A quickie from the Lake District

I'm not in London this week. This has one big disadvantage: I left my laptop there! It was for a good reason, though, because we're travelling all this week. We're staying two nights in a hostel in Keswick, and we'll be hopping on a train tomorrow to go up to Edinburgh. I'm going to try to make this quick because I'm logged on through an internet cafe, and they are massively gouging me on the price. Well, not massively, but it's better than the hostel. I mean, they have a freakin' profanity filter on theirs, and I'd rather see my fucking internet with the word "fucking" on there, okay?

Anyhow, I've made an important decision: I'm going to quit my job and move up here. Okay, not really, but I can't even being to describe how freakin' amazing this place is. There are lovely green glades and lakes and waterfalls and trees and rivers and have I mentioned how green it is?! I'm certain I will be coming back here. All I can think is that I want to pack up a motorcycle and camp up here for a few weeks. It's just that amazing. Whenever I get to upload the pictures, I have to tell you that they can't even do the area the slightest bit of justice. I'll try to come up with some better words soon, but for now, "fucking amazing" will have to do.

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