Sunday, June 24, 2007

Saturday June 23rd, 8:05pm PST

I'm at the airport, and my flight was scheduled to leave at 8:50 tonight. Chris dropped me off at the airport at 5:30, so I've been here for coming up on three hours now. By now, we should have been onboard the plane and getting ready to go, but unfortunately, our flight has been delayed three hours. I didn't think to check that before I left the house, so what can you do? Hell, even if I had known, would I have come to the airport later? Maybe not. I mean, Chris did have to get to the concert.

I'm not proud nor ashamed to admit that I was pretty broken-up when we said goodbye. It's really hard to imagine 4 weeks without him, and the distance between us seems to be so much. I did get over it, and I pulled myself together before I met up with the group. I mean, I have a reputation to keep, right? I'm sure it will hit me in little unexpected ways how much I miss him, but facts are facts. The only thing I can change is how I deal with it. At least that's going to be my mantra.

So I'm sitting in the airport, overwraught, overheated, and overtired, and I still have a 3.5 hour wait, then a 10.5 hour flight before I'll even be to the other airport, much less my flat. I'm crampy and tired and grumpy, and working hard not to cry because I miss Chris so much. Only 4 more weeks.

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